Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Eat slowly to avoid weight gain

A lot of studies have shown that the faster you eat, the more you eat. The human brain requires about 20 minutes to register satiety (feelings of satisfaction and fullness). So, the slower you eat, the less food you will need to feel full. Eating quickly can lead to weight gain, because you end up devouring substantially more calories than you would if you ate more slowly. Downing food fast can also cause unfortunate digestive distress.

10 Tips to eat slow:
Slow Down Eating Tip #1: One of the major reasons for eating too fast is not chewing long enough. To slow down your eating, chew every bite a minimum of 10 times--but shoot for 20.
Since the mouth is the entry to the digestive system, the better chewed your food is, the easier it is on your digestive system. Under-chewed food sits in the gut and can cause digestive problems, such as bloating, indigestion, heart burn, and poor absorption--which can compromise health and invite disease.
Slow Down Eating Tip #2: Eat one small bite at a time. Be sure you have chewed it and swallowed it completely before picking up another bite.
Slow Down Eating Tip #3: Put down the fork or spoon after each bite. This will slow down the automatic response of fork-to-mouth.
Slow Down Eating Tip #4: Sip water regularly or in-between bites. It forces you to put down the fork. Plus, it fill in the gaps.
Slow Down Eating Tip #5: Don't eat alone. It's a good idea to have company when you eat. Hold a conversation and make the meal a social time. Since you can't eat and talk at the same time, you'll eat more slowly.
Slow Down Eating Tip #6: Close your eyes during the meal or eat in the dark. The food will take on a whole new experience, and it will take you longer to get it from your plate to your mouth.
Slow Down Eating Tip #7: Give yourself very small portions. That way, you'll need to get up and go to the kitchen for more. This slows you down a little and lets you know how much you're actually eating.
Slow Down Eating Tip #8: Eat with a baby spoon or chopsticks. It's hard to eat too fast with a tiny spoon or a pair of chopsticks.
Slow Down Eating Tip #9: Cut your food into smaller bites or bite off smaller bites of food. Not only will it slow you down, but it will also aid digestion.
Slow Down Eating Tip #10: Enjoy and savor every bite. Pay attention to your meal and make the most of it. Don't mindlessly eat while doing something else, such as watching television or working at the computer. Food isn't a pacifier, and it shouldn't be used as a remedy for boredom.

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