Monday, September 2, 2013

Make Time to Play

Set aside 30 minutes three times a week to do fun exercises with your kids. Make it a part of your after-school or after-dinner routine. If your kids are young, they might enjoy hopscotch or hide-and-seek. Kick a soccer ball around with older children.
Also plan at least one family activity every weekend. It can be as simple as taking the little ones to the playground -- or as challenging as an all-day hike with your teenager.
A key to getting kids moving is planning time for physical activities. You can find that time by turning off the TV, for starters -- and keeping TVs out of the kids' bedrooms. Then offer a variety of family activities, both competitive and noncompetitive. Exploring different ways to move their bodies will help children find exercises they enjoy and want to stick with for the long run.
#medicinesmexico#Play#exercises#physical #activities

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